Blog Archives

  • Adding And Subtracting

    Math - Finger Counting

    Hands are used to get students to identify 5 fingers quickly, or 3 fingers, or 7 fingers.  Once students can recognize the number of fingers you are holding up, change it to “what’s missing?”.  If … View Full Lesson →

  • Counting With Tally Marks

    Math - Popsicle Stick Regrouping Fun

    Objectives: Learning and practising regrouping Print examples of regrouping in student math journals Learn term names:  minuend take away subtrahend equals difference/answer (for subtraction) and addend plus addend equals sum/answer (for addition) Materials for each group … View Full Lesson →

  • Art - C. M. Russell Art: Western Sunsets

    A beautiful sunset picture is created with paints, as a background for a simple black silhouette of mountains, trees, cactus, with perhaps a barn and cowboys. Easy art with gorgeous results for young students. View Full Lesson →

  • Art - Paul Gauguin (Go-gan) Art: Opposite Colour Masterpieces

    Landscapes are drawn with a horizon line, overlapping mountains, trees near and far, a stream or lake, and a sun, but they are coloured differently. Gauguin painted yellow skies, with orange grass and red mountains, and students follow this method of using opposing colours. What a fun twist on the normal! View Full Lesson →