Lesson Plans for Elementary School Students
Reading Lesson Plan: Go Fish For Blends and Digraphs
I would use this lesson as a review after a number of blends (or digraphs) have been learned (at least 6, then you have 24 cards to play with). Every time a new blend (or digraph) is learned, two or four more cards with that blend can be added to the deck, until the deck is filled up and all the cards are being used. See LISTS at the end of this lesson for words to use in this game.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn to recognize blends.
- Practise using blends in sentences.
- Learn to recognize digraphs.
- Practise using digraphs in sentences.
- deck of cards (can be old, missing cards, reuse old decks)
- fine black marker (to write blend words on the white side of cards)
- Rules are like card game “Go Fish”, but each student gets 4 cards, and you try to get as many pairs as you can.
- Using the LISTS provided at the end of this lesson, program cards with words (write one word on each white card face, ensuring that there are 4 matching blends in each deck of cards).
- The first student asks the second student for a card starting with “brrrrr” (must say the sound, not spell it). If the second student says yes, then the first student needs to use his word in a sentence. “My dog is brown.” Then, student number 2 gives student number 1 his card, and student 1 places the 2 cards down in front of him. He can continue to ask for cards until he gets a “no” reply from another student. Then it is another’s turn to ask.
LISTS: “voiced” Blends, combinations of 2-3 consonants:
green, grass, grow, grade, grape, grain, grand, gray, great, grew, groom, ground//slap, sled, sleep, slid, slide, slip, slow, sly, slab, slam, sleek, slim, slope, slime, slug, slither//clam, clap, class, clay, clip, cluck, classroom, claw, clean, clear, clerk, click, cliff, clock, cloth, cloud, club//draw, drip, drop, dry, dress, drill, drive, drum//skip, skin, skull, skunk//try, trap, tray, tree, truck, train, trace, track, trash, treat, tribe, trip, true, truly, trunk//small, smell, smile, smash, smoke, smart, smack, smug, smog//free, frog, from, fry, friend, front, frost, frame, freeze, Fred, Frank//snake, snail, snap, snip, sniff, snoop, sneaky, snow, snowball//prize, pry, pray, present, pretty, print, press, prince, price, proud//crab, crib, cry, crack, creep, crook, crop, cross//glad, glove, glass, glide, gloom, glare, glitter//
extras: bring, brown, bread, brother, brave, brook, break, breakfast, breeze, bright, broke, broom, brush//flag, flap, flow, fly, flat, flip, float, fling, flame, flea, flew, flight, floor, flower, flute//black, blue, blame, blaze, blew, block, blot, blink, blank, blossom//plan, plane, plate, plow, plum, please, play, plain, plug, planned, //string, strong, strut, strum, strip, street//swan, swap, swat, swim, swing, sway, sweet, sweep, swept, sweat, swell//spot, spy, spit, spin, spill, space, spoon, spell, spelling, spend, spent, sponge, speak//splash, split, splice, splint, splinter//spray, spring, sprain, spread, sprout//scar, scare, scarf, scale, scoot, scatter, score//school, schoolbus, schoolgirl, schoolboy//skip, sky, ski, skid, skit//twig, twin, tweet, twice, twist//
“voiceless” Diagraphs, combinations of 2 consonants:
bunch, each, lunch, punch, inch, reach, chair, chase, chat, chill, chin, chain, champ, charm, check, cheek, chick, child, chunk, chrn// star, start, stop, stay, step, still, sting, stood, story, state, stare, stick, step, sting, Steven// bush, cash, wash, crash, trash, dish, fish, mash, push, wish, shall, she, ship, shop, shot, short, shape, shut, show, shell//chin, chair, chill, chip//than, that, the, then//who, what, why, when//photo, phone, phoned, graph//that, the, then, thin, this, than, them, these, they, thing, with, bath, both, other//what, when, whip, white, why, whale, wheat, wheel, where, which, while//
Tags: blends, digraphs, game, recognition, sentences