Writing Lesson Plan: Macaroni Quotation Marks

Macaroni Quotation Marks
This activity makes learning quotes fun.

This lesson is to help students remember HOW to make quotation marks and WHEN to use them.  It combines an artsy aspect that makes it a little more fun.  After gluing the quotes in order, students make GIANT 66’s and 99’s to show where the quotes BEGIN (66) and END (99).  Teacher checks work now.  Then students get to glue the macaroni on top of the giant 66’s and 99’s to represent the quotation marks.  Then students pair up to “read” the quotations to each other.  Encourage the use of different character voices.  Have fun!


  1. learn HOW to make quotation marks.  BEGIN with 66’s and END with 99’s. We begin with the smaller number (66) and end with the larger number (99).
  2. learn WHEN to make quotation marks (when you quote WHAT someone said)
  3. sequence a short familiar story (see below)
  4. read the quotations aloud
  5. work with partners
  6. encourage students to “act” a little, by using appropriate voices for the characters


  1. handout sheet with familiar story quotes – Macaroni Quotation Marks Worksheet (PDF)
  2. reuse stale or spilled macaroni
  3. white glue
  4. pencils for each student
  5. scissors for each student
  6. reuse cardboard:  bristolboard scraps or reuse old cereal boxes, cut to approximately 8 1/2′ X 11″ sizes, one for each student


  1. Orally retell the story below with the class before handing out sheets to students.  They should be familiar with this story.  If not, give them a story you have done with them previously.  The sequencing should be the easy part.  Show students how to cut apart the quotes.  Get them to help you sequence the story.  What happened first, next, then what…?  What happened at the end?
  2. Show students how to make 66’s and 99’s around the quotations.  Tell students to make the quotation marks LARGE because they will be gluing macaroni on top of the quotation marks.  (This just makes them STAND OUT better so students will be really aware of them.)
  3. Show students how to glue the macaroni around the quotes.  Have them glue 2 at the beginning of the quote and 2 macaroni at the end of the quote.
  4. Find a partner who is finished their work.
  5. Find a spot to sit and read your story quotes together.  Encourage the use of appropriate voices for Goldilocks and each of the bears.  Have fun!


  1. Cut out quotes on lines.
  2. Put in order, then glue them on cardboard.
  3. In pencil, draw BIG quotation marks around what is said (66 and 99).
  4. Have teacher check your work now.
  5. Glue macaroni on top of your BIG quotation marks.
  6. Find a partner who is finished.  Find a quiet spot.  Read your story quotes together.
  7. Use different voices for each character.  Have fun!

Macaroni Quotation Marks Worksheet (PDF)


Mama Bear said, Someone slept in my bed.
Papa Bear said, Someone slept in my bed.
Baby Bear said, Someone slept in my bed and she’s still here.
AHHHHHHHHHHHH, screamed Goldilocks.  She ran home.


Mama Bear said, Someone took a bite of my porridge.
Papa Bear said, Someone took a bite of my porridge.
Baby Bear said, Someone ate ALL my porridge.              The bears went to sit down.


This bed is too hard, said Goldilocks.
This bed is too soft, said Goldilocks.
This bed is just right, said Goldilocks.  She fell asleep.  The bears came home.


Someone sat in my chair, said Mama Bear.
Someone sat in my chair, said Papa Bear.
Someone sat in my chair and broke it! said Baby Bear. They went to look at their beds.


This chair is too hard, said Goldilocks.
This chair is too soft, said Goldilocks.
This chair is just right, said Goldilocks.  Then she wanted to lie down.


Let’s go for a walk before we eat our porridge, said Mama Bear.  Out they went.
I’m going to see who lives in this house, said Goldilocks.  In she went.
This porridge is too cold, said Goldilocks.
This porridge is too hot, said Goldilocks.
This porridge is just right, said Goldilocks. She ate it all. She wanted to sit down.


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